Ruining Games For Everyone.

I exist in a world of gaming addicts. I'm sure you know what those "Things" are, the 12-38 male demographics that likes the 1980's Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles and the early 2000 versions by the same titles, those people who likes more obscure cartoon like Street Sharks, Ren and Stimpy, basically any cartoons made in early 1990s-2006 that generates feelings of Nostalgia, a feeling of returning to that child-like state. A return to the womb, a return from the uterus back into the unfertilized egg that's unfortunately destined to be fertilized. As you continue you begin to realize that this has nothing to do with video games... I lied. I lied, but do you know what I didn't lie about? The fact that deep inside your skull, you wished to return to the womb, to become young. Regret, is what you feel, your sense of nostalgia is used to mask some thing deep inside your inner self, the inner self that is eating crayons and sniffing glue, like a helpless mentally challenged old man. Something in your past has led you here... to this place, filled with morally repugnant slash fictions, a collection of nonsensical canon. What is it that you wish to read? No. What is wrong with you? Did I or They not give you enough crayons to eat? Look deep inside yourself, exit from all other task on your browser except this one and reflect this into your mind. That inner self of yours, the mentally challenged old man... what did he do to your younger self? Did you touch that child? Did you touch yourself as child? Or Did your inner self touch that child? It's okay. It's okay, It"s okay, It's oaky. Is,t OK, All you have to do is put your hands on that child's neck and squeeze, SQUEEZE until that child disappear from your grasp... Should the child disappear, the mirror should appear... then your true self, the vision of of your inner mind and your golden light will merge to show your true self. What!? Your True self has a True self!? Yes. And I will personally tell you about your true self. You regret your early days of life, wondering if you deserved to be born instead of someone in your mother's womb. You hate children... Enough choke your child self, the so-called nostalgia that has been used as a mask for your inner self. And your inner self, your true self is exactly as I have explained to you before, a crayon eating, glue sniffing, mentally challenged old man. But don't worry there are other child killing mentally challenged old men out there, your just one of many.